Public Consultation on EU Regulation on Veterinary Medicines 2019/6.
The Dept of Agriculture are upgrading ALL Antiparasitic Vet medicines to Prescription Only status from Jan 2022 to comply with EU Regulations.
This will include ALL wormers, pour ons, flukicides, coccidiostats, Fly control, Sheep dips, etc.
Given the reluctance of some Irish Vets to provide vet prescriptions, this will create a monopoly on supply of vet medicines with subsequent impact on availablity & prices.
Two options are available to the Dept that will maintain competition in the supply of these products if they are willing to apply one or both of these options and prevent development of Antiparasitic Resistance as suggested by the Anti Parasitic Review committee:
1. Authoritise Pharmacists & Suitably Qualified Responsible Persons including Ag. Merchants & Co-ops to issue prescriptions for Anti Parasitic vet medicines.
2. Separation of prescribing and dispensing of vet medicines, similar to supply of human medicines. Vets to prescribe, Pharmacists & Suitably Qualified Responsible Persons including Ag. Merchants & Co-ops to dispense vet medicines.
HPRA (Health Products Regulatory Authority of Ireland) has recommended a “Multi Stakeholder approach” to the supply of vet medicines.
In this regard, the preferred option to ensure ongoing “Multi Stakeholder” involvement in better use of Antiparasitic vet medicines, maintain competition in the supply of these medicines and provide a level playing field for farmers sourcing these medicines with farmers in Northern Ireland, the preferred option is to provide for Suitably Qualified Responsible Persons and Pharmacists prescribing these medicines. This concurs with the position of the IFA.
Facilitating this approach will require the Dept addressing some elements of the Regulation at EU level.
Competition is essential in every sector as all farmers know only too well. Our country is already beleaguered by cosseted monopolies who exploit their dominant role. We do not need another.
It is important the Dept, your local TDs and MEPs are made aware of your views on this issue to assist in achieving the best outcome for farmers,Licensed Merchants, Co-ops and Pharmacists to this process.
Please send an email to:
Deadline is Wednesday July 22 @ 5pm
Daragh Quinn
Quinn’s Chemist