
ProClova XL is a new exciting clover-safe herbicide weed killer in newly sown leys and established grassland.


ProClova XL:

  • Has a wide application window from March to October
  • Kills key weeds in newly sown leys, notably chickweed, fat-hen, redshank and seedling docks
  • Delivers the highest and most reliable level of control of docks in established grassland where clover preservation is key
  • Can be used on grass leys that contain red clover if applied in the year after establishment


  • Use ProClova XL on newly sown leys to ensure grass and clover establish and dominate the sward
  • Improve the productivity of established grass and clover swards so that you have more and better quality forage
  • Also benefit from great control of other problem weeds – buttercups, dandelions, hogweed and cow parsley


  • Always apply ProClova with XL adjuvant
  • Target weeds at the correct growth stage, if you have topped the weeds wait for sufficient regrowth before spraying
  • Apply with at least 75% drift reducing nozzles
  • DO NOT apply this product to land parcels where an intersecting watercourse is present
  • When applying to land parcels where other types of watercourses are present, respect an unsprayed buffer zone of 3m to these watercourses
  • Apply to actively growing weeds, ensure applications are made where temperatures exceed 8°C for three days prior to spraying and 3 days post spraying
  • 1 application per calendar year
  • Apply with 200 L water / hectare
  • Good safety on white clover, there is an initial check on growth, but it is quickly outgrown
  • Stock grazing can resume 7 days after application, there is a 21-day cutting interval
  • Rainfast in 1 hour
  • Apply at the rates and timings specified in the table below
  • Each ProClova XL co-pack treats 3 hectares (7.4 acres) of newly sown leys or 2 hectares (5 acres) when applying to established grassland
  • This product can also be applied at a higher use of rate once the newly sown ley has reached 90% ground cover

Apply at the rates and timings specified in the table below.

Crop Maximum Individual Dose Application Timing
Newly Sown Leys (grass is less than 1 year old or less than 90% ground cover) 85 g/ha ProClova & 0.165 L/ha XL From 3 true leaves of the grass, once the clover has reached the 3-trifoliate leaf stage and when weeds are actively growing.

Apply from 1st April to 31st October.

Established grassland

(more than 1 year old or greater than 90% ground cover)

125 g/ha ProClova & 0.25 L/ha XL When weeds are actively growing.

Apply from 1st March to 31st October.

Please contact the office on 053 9236256 for delivered prices.Â