
Levacide Low Volume Worm Drench is a low volume (1ml/10kg) levamisole drench for cattle and sheep with 14-day meat withdrawal. Effective broad-spectrum yellow wormer effective against gastrointestinal worms and lungworms. 

Product information  

  • Treats and controls stomach worms and lungworms in cattle and sheep 
  • Contains 75mg/ml levamisole (2-LV class of anthelmintic) 
  • Can be used alone or alongside other wormer classes as part of a season-long plan to provide effective and responsible parasite control 
  • Suitable as an initial grazing treatment (primer dose) following exposure to gut worms early in the season 
  • Levamisole is an effective lungworm treatment due to its unique mode of action (spastic paralyis) 

Available in 1L & 2.5L